Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beck anime review

The anime about to be reviewed contains strong naughty-adult language. 
*The Beck anime silly, not my review! :P

The teenage rock scene painted in Beck the anime aka 'Beck Mongolian Chop Squad' was pretty solid accurate for a fictional story. The emotions that are going through a young musicians veins are all across the board. From emo-and-uninspired, to emo-with-talent and lastly the best of all... Talented and heroic. Sounds like a recipe for hours of nostalgia for old farts or inspiration for those of you in your early teens? Well it is. On both counts.
Keepin' it real, FUNimation did the voice dub in F-bomb-vision. This turned me off a bit... but as my senses were dulled and I relaxed back into my documentary observation chair it started to go down pretty smooth... I guess if I had to direct this anime or supervised the translation of the script, it would have been a tough call, but would have had to keep it real too if I didn't want to alter the truth and the overall accuracy of the scene.

In short, I really enjoyed the Beck anime dvd box set for it's genius writing, touching character development, and making me feel the heroism once again of a style music I'd forgotten from my youth. But more than the style of music, the warm and fuzzy I felt at the end was truly rare and savored. Something I wouldn't have felt or experienced without watching it. You should do the same. This is an anime largely overlooked, and that's a shame, because even though the language was IMO very rough, it made my epic list.
Watch a preview to wet your appetite BTW the preview sucks, sorry:

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